Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.
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Bahá’í beliefs address such essential themes as the oneness of God and religion, the oneness of humanity and freedom from prejudice, the inherent nobility of the human being, the progressive revelation of religious truth, the development of spiritual qualities, the integration of worship and service, the fundamental equality of the sexes, the harmony between religion and science, the centrality of justice to all human endeavors, the importance of education, and the dynamics of the relationships that are to bind together individuals, communities, and institutions, as humanity advances towards its collective maturity.
To gain a fuller appreciation of Bahá’í beliefs, you may wish to visit the Bahá’í Reference Library, where you can read the Writings of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as well as volumes written by Shoghi Effendi and a selection of statements and communications of the Universal House of Justice.